
Friday, November 19, 2021


 Hello Readers, 

Two weeks ago we started learning and planning for Business and enterprise. I belong to the group called KJBD FRENZY PLUSH.CO  We took the name from our first Name which is our initial. K for Kurt, J for Jhonas, B for Basty and D for Dwane. Our Business advisor is Miss Laycock. Our company decided that we were gonna make plushies made of fabric and soft toys that is safe for children. We will be making different design with different colour of fabric. We will sell our finished product at school on market day. Our Market day will be on first of December where all year 7 to 9 will be selling their products. We are having a market day for us to show what we learnt about Business and Enterprise like budgeting on the materials used and purchased. We tried to work together and shared ideas on how to make our products made well. I am enjoying this kind of experience because i tried to share, communicate with my group and respect one and other.