
Friday, July 3, 2020

zones basketball

Hello everyone, today i'm going to talking about when we went to the zones basketball when we went there it was raining and when went inside the basketball Stadium we saw so many team from different schools and when we went to our first game we won and when we finish our last game we got 4 wins and got 4th but it was really fun. the end.

here a photo of us playing.

Hope you enjoyed visiting my blog feel free to comment.


  1. Well done to you and your team Dwane.It's great that we have so many sports teams that represent Hornby Primary.What a great effort to have 4 wins.Do you play basket ball as a weekend sport?.
    Have a great holiday.

  2. Hello Dwane this Shylah, I like the way you told your readers that you got 4 wins! Next time you should add more punctuation. Did you enjoy sports? I cant wait for you to reply.

  3. hi dwane it me esha i like your blog about your zones basketball make sure your blog makes sense bye


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