
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

4 pillars of wharenui

 Hello readers, For my hurumanu Bh learn from home week 6 we had to make a list about 1 thing we did in each of the 4 pillars of wharenui.


Taha Tinana: For Taha tinana I been eating a couple of fruits and been drinking more water than i used to.

Taha Wairua: For Taha Wairua I Somethings go outside or just go to my backyard and have a fresh air.

Taha Hinengaro: For Taha hinengharo I Been listening to different types of music like specially like Rap, Pop and a little of rock.

Taha Whanua: for Taha Whanua I been Helping my family With work and chores.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Te Whare Tapa wha

 Hello Readers, In my Hurumanu BH work from home we had to do Te Whare Tapa wha.


1. Had you heard about Te whare Tapa Wha Before? NO.

2. What are The 4 dimensions That make Up the Whare? The 4 Dimensions that make up the whare is This: Tahi Tinana, Taha Wairua, Taha Hinengaro and Taha whanua.

3. Why do you Think the model looks like a wharenui (house)? Because it represents the 4 walls of our wharenui.

4. Why do we need to take care of our well being? Because by doing that it can protect our health.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wananga work from home

 Hello Readers, For my Wananga work from home week I did a 100 Word count about a sign saying "Please do not Throw rocks". This is my 100 word count for Week 5.

Week 5

There once was a Boy Named Scott. It was a nice and Sunny day Scott and his friends were exploring the Giant forest. They were walking but suddenly Scott saw a giant lake with a road leading to it. They followed the road but when they were at the lake They saw a small sign saying “ Please do not throw rocks”. But they saw rocks and went to throw them anyway. Then they went to swim in the lake. While in the lake Scott suddenly felt something pulling and pulling until he got pulled down and Disappeared from his friends.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Hurumanu BH work from home

Hello Readers, In my Hurumanu Reading group we had to read a Book about Tu. This is my work




1. What is the problem in the story? Tu wouldn't listen to the Boy and Mum

2. How come Tu the Dog doesn't listen to mum? Tu doesn't listen to mum Because Tu only understands Maori and Mum only Speaking english to Tu

3. What did Mum and the boy need to do when they got home from the animal shelter? They needed to learn more Maori Words so the dog can understand what their saying

4. What did Nikau do to help the family with Tu? Nikau Help the family By Teaching them some Maori that Tu can Understand


Ira kati- stop

Kati- Bite

E noho- Good bye

Turituri- Noisy

Hoihoi- loud

ka pai- Good

haere mai- Come here!

ruwha- Exhausted

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Wananga work from home week 5

 Hello, Readers in my class we had to do our Wananga work from home because New zealand went level 4 lockdown. We had to do 1-2 Wananga task everyday so I pick Movie review.

Movie Review

Me and my Parents watch a movie That was called Free Guy. Free Guy was a Gaming movie. The Characters of the movie was Guy, Molotov Girl, Dude, keys and Lots more. The actors of the movie were Ryan Reynolds, Joe keery, Jodie Comer, Aaron W. Reed, Taika Waititi and More.

 The Free Guy movie was about a Game called Free city With the main Character Called Guy. Free city was like an online game where you can interact with Other players, Npc and stuff in the Game. Guy was an NPC in the Game That work at bank but soonly realized He was doing the same thing everyday. Soo the next day he went to the bank and got one of the Glasses that the players character use and realized he can do anything and not just do the same thing everyday. Guy went on and became famous in the game by getting lots of levels by helping Others in the Game. Guy Managed to save the game and turned into free life.

You can watch the Movie in the Cinemas or online.

I Would Recommend it to everyone or to people who like Gaming.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Women Suffrage Petition

 The Women Suffrage Petition


1. What year did Maori men get the vote? The year the Maori get to vote for Government was the year 1867

2. Why did most people think women should not vote? People think women couldn't vote because they think women can only stay at home and do cleaning and others things

3. What does the phrase "Drinking their wages"mean? Its means stop drinking alcohol 

4. How did the WCTU help the poor? They help by going to hospitals, prisons, set up soup kitchens and tried to get the men to stop drinking wages

5. What was the main form of protest that the women used to change the law?  The main form of the protest was so not just men can vote but also women can vote.

6. Why is Kate Sheppard on our $10 note? Kate Sheppard is on $10 note because she were the first ever women to be the Government and did a hard work on fighting for women suffrage.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Why is being cybersmart important to our kura and our learning?

Being Cybersmart is important to our learning because it helps us gain more knowledge about the online and the things in it. Being Cyber smart helps us protect our chrome book or any device from anything trying to hack our  device or glitches in our device system.