
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Women Suffrage Petition

 The Women Suffrage Petition


1. What year did Maori men get the vote? The year the Maori get to vote for Government was the year 1867

2. Why did most people think women should not vote? People think women couldn't vote because they think women can only stay at home and do cleaning and others things

3. What does the phrase "Drinking their wages"mean? Its means stop drinking alcohol 

4. How did the WCTU help the poor? They help by going to hospitals, prisons, set up soup kitchens and tried to get the men to stop drinking wages

5. What was the main form of protest that the women used to change the law?  The main form of the protest was so not just men can vote but also women can vote.

6. Why is Kate Sheppard on our $10 note? Kate Sheppard is on $10 note because she were the first ever women to be the Government and did a hard work on fighting for women suffrage.

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