
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Gummy bears

                                                         Gummy Bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens to Gummy bears when we put them into different solution.


I predict that they will dissolve into the solutions.



 4x Gummy Bears of the same colour

 2x petri dishes

 paper towels

 marker pen


sugar water

Sugar water


1. Get your equipment.

2. Put on your safety glasses.

3. Using  the marker pen, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DR



Salt water

Sugar water

Initial weight of Gummy Bear





Final Weight of Gummy Bear


Weight Difference


Initial Volume


Final Volume

Final volume

Volune difference


What is Osmosis?
Osmosis is the movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane

Diffusion: The movement of any substance from a higher concentration to a lower concentration.

The dry Gummy bear lost weight and was lighter after 6 days.

The Gummy bear in Normal water lost 1.82 gm in 6 days.

The gummy bear in salt water lost 1.2 gm in 6 days.

The gummy bear in sugar water lost 0.7 gm in 6 days.

cultural kete

Hi readers! today i will show my work about Cultural Kete and I prepared a slide presentation of it.

This is my work.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

rainbow paper

 Dear readers. in our science class we did rainbow paper experiment

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

Definitions: Chromatography 


- Chromatography paper

- Test tube. (x5)

- water. (20mls)

- Felt pens. (x5)

- Test tube rock.


1. have a stripped of paper and a test tube

2. put a coloured dot on a paper

3. put (20mls) of water in the test tube

4. Put the paper with coloured dot above the water

5. wait for 10 minutes 

6. if the dot rise up and didn't fully coloured the water that means your done

7. Now You can just throw away the paper and pour the water into a sink

this is the picture of the experiment

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

women suffrage

Dear reader. Today we watched a video about women suffrage and i answered some activities in our choice board .

here's my work

Interesting facts about woman suffrage

 New zealand is the first country to let women vote

The electoral act was passed in 1893 September 19. 

I learned that women had given a chance to vote headed by Kate Sheppard

In the year 1893

I believe that women have the right to vote in an election. I am pretty happy to what learn about women suffrage

Monday, March 22, 2021


22 March 2020

To: Ms. Chelsea Bremner

Dear Miss Bremner,

i watch your video representing the rugby team ALL BLACKS. And your are really amazing player that showed sportsmanship and very good at playing rugby. you are an inspiration to Hornby Highschool students. You are a hero of HHS that could be proud of us. i hope you could share your talent to us on how to play rugby.7

From: Dwane

100 word challenge 2

 Dear readers. Today I'm gonna share my 100 word challenge that i did last week.

This is my 100 word count.

There used to be a leprechaun that lived in a world that was full of green . One day the leprechaun was running in the grassy field searching for the pot of gold While running he suddenly stumbled upon something not green and it was gold . Then he saw lots of them on the grass like a trail going somewhere. He followed the trail and saw a giant cave and he went into the cave and saw a rainbow portal. He touched the portal and it pulled him in it. Then he became a gnome in front of a house forever.

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Dear readers: we did a experiment about skittles and i liked the colours when it was separated by putting water on it.

Chromotography is a technique for the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or suspension through a medium in which the components move at different rates.

Aim: To separate the colours from the skittles by using chromatography 


1. Skittles 

2. Petri dish

3. Water


1. Place skittle around the edge of the petri dish

2. Carefully put water into the middle of the dish

3. Watch to see which colours reach the middle first.

Fastest skittle colours



Green: 4

Yellow: 3

Orange: 4

Brown: 8

Red: 3

this is the video

Monday, March 15, 2021

Chinese new year ox

Hello all readers !

This is the work I done today it since it is Chinese language week.

Today i'm gonna show you what i did for Chinese new year. me and my class did different Chinese new year activities and i pick the ox one because i was born on the year of the ox so i draw it and it look pretty good. last Chinese new year of the ox was in 2009 and if u were born in that year your an ox  . They also have long Chinese new year celebration days like 15 days of celebration. and if you want to know what Chinese new year it is you can check Chinese zodiac calendar .

     This is the drawing I made.

Writing about my hero

 Last week we been working on our heroes and writing about who they are. 

My hero is my mum because shes brave and taking care of me. She makes me lunch, dinner and breakfast. Whenever school finish she pick me up outside the gate everyday and sometimes we go to eat snacks. Whenever i get sick. She gives me medicine so i can feel better. She also teaches me how to do the house choirs, like she thought me how do the dishes and do vacuum. And also she motivates me to be a good person, that who i am.

And i would like to thank my mom for all the sacrifices that she did and for taking care of me since i was born and raise me to be who i am now. thank you mom

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

the tree hut

 Dear Readers! Today i am gonna share a story i read about a tree house. there were two kids named Tia and Manaia. 

FIRST in the beginning of the story.Tia and Manaia were looking through the fence and saw a truck stopped in front of their house. Tia and Manaia think that they have new neighbours. They saw some people lift some heavy objects. One hour later they were biking and saw a girl and boy said, Hi! and then Manaia asked, do you have bikes?. Then they did and they became friends

 in the middle of the story... they talk about the Pohutukawa tree and they told their parents to build a tree house and the people around the neighbourhood helped them build the tree house.

NEXT in the story... the next morning they went to the there and saw lots of people in the tree house and at the point that they cannot fit everybody inside.Then argue about who owns the property.they argued that the next day the ladder was broken.

LAST at the end... Then they called the neighbourhood and presented a treaty about the tree hut. like they need everybody to get in a agreement and they all have to look after the tree and if any fights happened the team will take care of it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

100 word challenge

 hello, my name is Dwane 

today im gonna show you my 100 word challenge work.                              

this is my 100 word challenge 

Image result for writing prompt pictures

There used to be a rat named Timmy that lived quietly in a restaurant that was called Ratzzarant. It was a sunny sunny day the Ratzzarant was open but nobody was around so little Timmy looked around then he found this giant thing on the floor and it had a button that said teleport. Then Little Timmy pressed the button then something weird happened and he suddenly was in a house. Then he saw a massive cat ready to eat anything but little Timmy saw a cup. Then he hid and found some chips then he ate them all. The end.