
Friday, November 19, 2021


 Hello Readers, 

Two weeks ago we started learning and planning for Business and enterprise. I belong to the group called KJBD FRENZY PLUSH.CO  We took the name from our first Name which is our initial. K for Kurt, J for Jhonas, B for Basty and D for Dwane. Our Business advisor is Miss Laycock. Our company decided that we were gonna make plushies made of fabric and soft toys that is safe for children. We will be making different design with different colour of fabric. We will sell our finished product at school on market day. Our Market day will be on first of December where all year 7 to 9 will be selling their products. We are having a market day for us to show what we learnt about Business and Enterprise like budgeting on the materials used and purchased. We tried to work together and shared ideas on how to make our products made well. I am enjoying this kind of experience because i tried to share, communicate with my group and respect one and other.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

class pet

Hello Readers, In our Wananga class me and group had to pick a class pet with a Budget of 150$.
We had to based it off the price of the pet, Food, shelter and monthly cost to keep it alive. So the pet we pick was a type of fish called blue Male Veiltail Betta. 

The cost for the pet, food, shelter. 

fish gravel   $4.99

fish tank      $76

Fish          $4.99

Fish food     $6.79

Fish decorations  $6.68

Fish decorations  $6.99

Fish decorations  $6.88

Fish decorations  $7.88

Fish decorations  $8.65

Fish decorations  $5.87

Total:   $147.99

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 The Important of Business and Enterprise in School

I think Its really important to learn Business and Enterprise in school because when you get older you'll know how to make good decision and choose what items to sell or buy. You will know how to spend your money correctly and make better investments.

In learning Business and Enterprise in school we are able to share our knowledge about business to other people or to a group like for example making arts and crafts, cooking, selling good stuff. 

Yes i think this is best for us students to learn how to manage a business in a simple way and apply what you learned in the future.

Financial Literacy

 Hello Readers, In our Wananga class we started learning about Business and Enterprise. We watch a video explaining about it. Then we had to do some Mix and Match vocabulary words.

Here is my DLO

Financial literacy

Friday, September 24, 2021

Reflection week 9

Hello Readers, for week 9 we had to write Reflection of the things we did in week 9.

Week 9 Reflection


Commitment: By being Committed in doing the practice and stuff we do in drama.

Achievement: By Completing lots of work in Math like Fractions and also achieving and doing stuff in Science by nowing different pH scales from Mixing different acids and Alkaline.

Resilience: keeping on doing the work and not giving up to make it better.

Respect: By Listening and Following the Instructions of my teachers and adults.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Parihaka Vocabulary

 Hello Readers, In  our Nga Tangata class we had do our Parihaka history Work. 

This is my work.

Confiscate: about the Confiscation of the maori land

Te Whiti: Te Whiti is one of the leaders of Parihaka 

Tohu: Tohu is also one of the leaders of Parihaka along with Te Whiti

Peaceful protest: it is a type of protest where there is no yelling and shouting but its just peacefulness.

Te Raukura Feather: it represents spiritual, physical and Communal harmony and unity.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Tongan language week

 Hello Readers. in our wananga class we did some activities about the Tongan language week. 

Here is my slides about Tongan language week.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Parihaka History

Hello Readers, In our Hurumanu group we had to Read and explain the Parihaka History and answer some question.
This is my work.

Parihaka history

Tohu Kakashi and Te whiti o Rongomai was the ones that founded Parihaka and became the leaders of it.

Tuho and Te Whiti wanted peace for their people and community so they decided to end the fighting and The wars and work for their rights through peace. They also worked against the New Zealand Government and its confiscation of land plan. New Zealand

Tohu and Te whiti fought the Government by getting their followers to Pull out the Surveyors Pegs or Rebuild the fences that the Government troops broke down. Every 18th to 19th each month meetings were held to talk thought issues and ideas.

In the year 1881 November 5th. the Goverment troops arrested many of the people that was in Parihaka. Including the 2 Leaders. From a long 18 months in jail they were released back to Parihaka and continued with a peaceful Protests.

Parihaka: Remembering November 5, 1881 - Wellington - Eventfinda

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Maia magic wand

 Hello readers, For week 7 hurumanu bh work from home we had to do our health from last week. In my Reading group we had to read Maia magic wand and right questions abou it. this is my work


1. What was Aunty Anna's job? Aunty Anna's job was a scientist 

2. Why did Maia want a magic wand? Because she finished reading a book about magic tricks and also want to try it with her family

3. What did the Magic wand look like? It was flat, and one end was wider than the other

4. Why was Maia disappointed? Because she wanted a magic wand not a magnetic wand

5. What happened to amber the dog and The wand? The wand got stuck on amber name tag

6. At the end of the story, Maia is happy with her present, why does she like it now? Because The magnetic wand was like a magic wand.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Our first olympic

 Hello Readers, For our Hurumanu Bh work from home we had to Read about our first olympic and select 3 task in our task board and make a tic tac toe. This is my work.

This is the task I selected to make a tic tac toe

Interesting facts: 

Darcy Hadfield was the first athlete to win an olympic medal as part of the New zealand team.

Yvette williams is Considered one of New Zealand best athlete ever by Being The first ever Female Gold medal winner and winning 3 Gold medals at the 1954 CommonWealth Games.

Violet walrond was the youngest swimmer In the first New Zealand by being the age 15 year old when she was in it.

What I learned: 

The First New Zealand Team Played at the 1920 olympic games.

I learned that The summer olympics Game are held every four years from countries all over The world.


I feel like is a really good book and explain alot about the First olympics Games.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

100 word count week 6

 Hello Readers, For Week 6 we had to pick 1/2 choice of what topic we had to write a 100 word count about. This is my work.

Week 6

There once was A kid Named Alex . It was a nice and sunny day Alex was with his uncle Exploring The giant jungle of Jumanji. Alex And His uncle were just walking until Alex saw something Big and old in the distance So he told his uncle and They went There. When They were there They saw a giant temple With a small opening leading inside so they went in and saw a portal. But close to it was a penguin Guarding it so they fought the penguin and The penguin Suddenly went into the portal and became a statue.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

4 pillars of wharenui

 Hello readers, For my hurumanu Bh learn from home week 6 we had to make a list about 1 thing we did in each of the 4 pillars of wharenui.


Taha Tinana: For Taha tinana I been eating a couple of fruits and been drinking more water than i used to.

Taha Wairua: For Taha Wairua I Somethings go outside or just go to my backyard and have a fresh air.

Taha Hinengaro: For Taha hinengharo I Been listening to different types of music like specially like Rap, Pop and a little of rock.

Taha Whanua: for Taha Whanua I been Helping my family With work and chores.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Te Whare Tapa wha

 Hello Readers, In my Hurumanu BH work from home we had to do Te Whare Tapa wha.


1. Had you heard about Te whare Tapa Wha Before? NO.

2. What are The 4 dimensions That make Up the Whare? The 4 Dimensions that make up the whare is This: Tahi Tinana, Taha Wairua, Taha Hinengaro and Taha whanua.

3. Why do you Think the model looks like a wharenui (house)? Because it represents the 4 walls of our wharenui.

4. Why do we need to take care of our well being? Because by doing that it can protect our health.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Wananga work from home

 Hello Readers, For my Wananga work from home week I did a 100 Word count about a sign saying "Please do not Throw rocks". This is my 100 word count for Week 5.

Week 5

There once was a Boy Named Scott. It was a nice and Sunny day Scott and his friends were exploring the Giant forest. They were walking but suddenly Scott saw a giant lake with a road leading to it. They followed the road but when they were at the lake They saw a small sign saying “ Please do not throw rocks”. But they saw rocks and went to throw them anyway. Then they went to swim in the lake. While in the lake Scott suddenly felt something pulling and pulling until he got pulled down and Disappeared from his friends.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Hurumanu BH work from home

Hello Readers, In my Hurumanu Reading group we had to read a Book about Tu. This is my work




1. What is the problem in the story? Tu wouldn't listen to the Boy and Mum

2. How come Tu the Dog doesn't listen to mum? Tu doesn't listen to mum Because Tu only understands Maori and Mum only Speaking english to Tu

3. What did Mum and the boy need to do when they got home from the animal shelter? They needed to learn more Maori Words so the dog can understand what their saying

4. What did Nikau do to help the family with Tu? Nikau Help the family By Teaching them some Maori that Tu can Understand


Ira kati- stop

Kati- Bite

E noho- Good bye

Turituri- Noisy

Hoihoi- loud

ka pai- Good

haere mai- Come here!

ruwha- Exhausted

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Wananga work from home week 5

 Hello, Readers in my class we had to do our Wananga work from home because New zealand went level 4 lockdown. We had to do 1-2 Wananga task everyday so I pick Movie review.

Movie Review

Me and my Parents watch a movie That was called Free Guy. Free Guy was a Gaming movie. The Characters of the movie was Guy, Molotov Girl, Dude, keys and Lots more. The actors of the movie were Ryan Reynolds, Joe keery, Jodie Comer, Aaron W. Reed, Taika Waititi and More.

 The Free Guy movie was about a Game called Free city With the main Character Called Guy. Free city was like an online game where you can interact with Other players, Npc and stuff in the Game. Guy was an NPC in the Game That work at bank but soonly realized He was doing the same thing everyday. Soo the next day he went to the bank and got one of the Glasses that the players character use and realized he can do anything and not just do the same thing everyday. Guy went on and became famous in the game by getting lots of levels by helping Others in the Game. Guy Managed to save the game and turned into free life.

You can watch the Movie in the Cinemas or online.

I Would Recommend it to everyone or to people who like Gaming.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Women Suffrage Petition

 The Women Suffrage Petition


1. What year did Maori men get the vote? The year the Maori get to vote for Government was the year 1867

2. Why did most people think women should not vote? People think women couldn't vote because they think women can only stay at home and do cleaning and others things

3. What does the phrase "Drinking their wages"mean? Its means stop drinking alcohol 

4. How did the WCTU help the poor? They help by going to hospitals, prisons, set up soup kitchens and tried to get the men to stop drinking wages

5. What was the main form of protest that the women used to change the law?  The main form of the protest was so not just men can vote but also women can vote.

6. Why is Kate Sheppard on our $10 note? Kate Sheppard is on $10 note because she were the first ever women to be the Government and did a hard work on fighting for women suffrage.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Why is being cybersmart important to our kura and our learning?

Being Cybersmart is important to our learning because it helps us gain more knowledge about the online and the things in it. Being Cyber smart helps us protect our chrome book or any device from anything trying to hack our  device or glitches in our device system.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Blind taste test

 Aim: To taste foods that are sweet, bitter, sour or salty


1. Samples 1-9

2. blindfold glasses

3. Recording chart

4. Ice cream stick taster


1. Get safety glasses and make a blindfold 

2. Set up your chart and make sure that the person you are working with knows where to record your responses. 

3. Using an ice-cream stick you will dip it into the Sample. Once the sample is on the stick you will taste it and tell your partner your response.

4. There will be 2 Answers.

5. At taste test one you need to hold your nose.

Answer 1. Is it sweet, sour, salty, bitter. Record it.

Answer 2. What do you think it is. Record it.

6. Repeat this for the next samples but you will only need to use your ice-cream stick taster for samples 1-4

Blind taste testing results

Sample number

Sweet, sour, bitter, salty.

I think it is…….

Sample 1



Sample 2



Sample 3


Baking soda

Sample 4



Sample 5



Sample 6


Pineapple Gummy

Sample 7

Sweet & Sour 

We don’t know

Sample 8



Sample 9



Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Do now

 CARR stamps encourage students to make positive choices

Do you agree or disagree?

I agree because it encourage them to do there work better. Giving a student a CARR stamp will give them more positivity doing there work. Getting a CARR stamp is a way of saying you did a good job on your work. other students will also be encourage to get more CARR stamps and CARR cards so they can collect more by doing a good job doing there work.

Friday, July 2, 2021

OREO Wants

 Today's topic is about OREO Wants and i chose Fortnite.

My opinion is Fortnite battle royale is a really good game. Fortnite Battle royale is a game that you can have fun playing with friends or anyone basically.

My reason is fortnite is the best game ever. Fortnite battle royale is a really really good game considering it only released at late 2017 September 26. You should play it because it’s different from other Gun games from the internet. Fortnite is the first ever battle Royale to have building in the game. It's also the that you can win lots of tournaments from if you get better at the game. You should play fortnite because its a good game and its fun to meet some people.

Persuade writing about phones

 Year 7-8 students should be allowed to have phones at school

Do you agree or disagree?

I disagree because phones are useful. Phones are used all over the world but why not schools. In my thinking phones should be allowed in school Because Using phone in school is a good way for learning stuff that you don't know if you don't have laptop or chrome book. If you have a phone in school and you get sick or hurt you can just call your parents or guardian to come and take you home. And the last if school finished and you have a phone you can call your parents to pick you up.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Persuasive writing

 Students should not have to wear school uniforms

Do you agree or disagree?

For me I think i agree because having no school uniform can express what your feelings are and fit to choose whatever clothes you like. Wearing your own choice of clothes means you don't have to pay for new school uniforms if they are expensive. Wearing your own clothes is also a way to make you comfortable. if you have lots of clothes you can wear them repeatedly. I am happy if we should not wear school uniform.

Roald Dahl: Fantastic Mr Fox

 The book that i'm reviewing is Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl.

My Favourite chapter is chapter 9 "Mr Fox has a plan". This chapter talk about how the foxes plan to get foods because they are starving to death. In Chapter 9, the father's fox thinks of a plan and encourage the four children into getting some foods so they don't have to starve to death in the hole. I also see the same encouragement from the mother fox as well. I like that part because it encourages lots of others to never give up. Also I like how the fox family are working together like my family. This Book is a really good story to read sometimes and I would give it a 7/10. I would recommend  this book to people that like to read short story's. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

8-7 Friday Sports

 It is important that Year 7-8 do Friday Sport

Do you agree or disagree?

I agree because mostly every school day we do learning insides But Friday sport is a good day to learn new sports that you haven't tried to learned yet or a way to improve the sport your currently playing. Friday Sports is also a good way to improve your communication to your team mates. not finish

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cats are a better pet than dogs

Cats are are better than dogs.

Do you agree or disagree? 

I disagree that cats are better than dogs.

Because Dogs is more loyal to their owner and cuter than cats. They can be more friendly to people and can protect their owner when their owners hurt. dogs has a better sense of smell and can smell out anyone or anything.

Ice cream is better than cake not finish

 Ice cream is better than cake

Do you agree or Disagree? I disagree

Cake is better than ice cream for me because cake has better flavours that you could chose from although ice cream has different flavour too. Cake can come in different sizes and different design that could be a present or a birthday cake which the people love. Cake could be found everywhere especially if you are hungry. It is more delicious rather than ice cream.

Steam Term 2

 Hello everyone, in our Steam group That is Sean, Gregory and me. We decided work on transport and the design we chose was a spaceship. It is a spaceship that can harvest neutron energy from asteroids by mining or laser beaming them. The materials that we need in doing this project are the following: Carbon Fibre, Plastic, titanium, clay and metal and the spaceship model that were gonna make in real life is gonna be made out of toilet rolls, hot glue, popsicle sticks, tape and paint. For the hornby 2050 problems we decided to pick the fossil fuel one. in 2050 it is maybe confirmed that fossil fuel will be gone. In doing this the problem will be solved with neutron energy.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Kiwi Innovater

 Hello everyone, In my reading we had to do the work that got assigned to do. After I finished I had to do a kiwi innovator Where i pick something to do in it and The work that i pick was Tantrix. So i had to read the story and answered all the question after that i had to create my own game.

This is the game.

This is the questions I answered.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


 Hello everyone, In my reading group we read the Superbike story and had answered some questions.

Here are the following questions:

 1. What was the different about the motorbike that won the 1993 Grand Prix?

    The difference with the motorbike that won the 1993 Grand Prix was. It wasn't build in big factory                 like in  Japan or Italy but it was build and designed by one man in his garage in New Zealand.

2. What did John Britten do?

    John Britten made a bike that is different from others. It has better working suspension so the tyres have        better grip and can move fast, brake harder and accelerate harder and its also very light.

3. What is carbon fibre?What is good about it?

    Carbon fibre is like the same as the black thing on a pencil but stronger. It is better to used than steel and        aluminium and also lighter and stronger than them.

4. If you could ask John Britten a question about his bike, what would you ask him?

    I would ask him how did he make the bike himself and won the 1993 Grand Prix?

Here's the sample of the bike.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Mr Fox: Environmental Impact

     Hello everyone, In mt reading group we had to do a Infographic and include at least 5 points

This is my Infographic

Plastic Surgery Facts

     Hello everyone, This is my work about the Facts about Plastic Surgery using Biteable

I hope you will like it.

My wonderful video on Biteable.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Steam Powered Car

Hello, In our group we had to read the Steam Powered Car and need to do Question in the Bingo Board

1, Main Idea of the Steam Powered Car. What is the passage mostly about?

The Steam Powered car is about how different it is from the other cars. It's easy to start and has freely available fuel and how it is operated. And this kind of car is faster than other cars because of the parts used.

2. 4 Vocabulary words

      Exhaust: waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or other machine in the course of its operation.

      Fumes: an amount of gas or vapour that smell strongly or is dangerous to inhale 

      Manufacture: make (something) on a large scale using machinery

      Kerosene: A light fuel oil obtained by distilling petroleum 

3. What are 3 details from the text that support the main idea?

  1. The stanley steamer could get to high speed and easy to start.

  2. The car didn’t have that many moving parts and produced a small amount of exhaust.

  3. The Fastest car back then was made by the Stanleys and had a top speed of 240 kilometres per hour.

Friday, May 28, 2021


Hello, Today we had to do a Reflection of what we did this week about Te Ao Whanui. in our Whistle group I was to read the book assigned to us. It was about the story of how bungee jumping was made and became famous. I completed my work to the best I can and answered all the Question given. I answered all of the Question and did it well. I'm starting to improve my work and try to finish everything.

Week 4 100 Word Challenge

 Hello, today we all had to do a 100 word challenge about the picture we given.

This is my 100 word challenge

There once was a girl with purple clothes and her name was claire. She was traveling miles for miles

looking for a mysterious place until she stumbled upon a mysterious forest. It was a dark and foggy forest

filled with old trees. She was walking in the forest until she found a trail full of blue magical leaves.

She followed the trail for 1 hour and found an old rusty cabin but it was locked. But then she went around

the cabin through an open window and she went in and saw a picture of herself in the future. She realised

that it was their old cabin.

Fast Finish Work About Fantastic Mr Fox

 Hello, I completed my task in fast finisher about a wanted poster of Mr Fox lost tail. 

Here is my work

Music Month Poster

 Hello. This month is a special month because it is NZ Music month. It is a celebration of Homegrown talent accross the length and breadth of the country. This is also the NZ Music Month is promotion run by the NZ Music Commision that takes place each May.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Bungee Jumping

Hello. In my referee whistle group we had to read a story of how bungee jumping started and next we had to do a drawing of what we think there should be in bungee jumping. This is my drawing

Monday, May 24, 2021

100 word invention challenge


Hello, in my group we had to do a 100 word invention challenge and had to do one about an invention and this is mine.

the invention i chose is electricity for the invention you couldn't live without. Cause it helps revolutionize the world. Back then when there was no electricity means there was no power and people hadn't invented it yet. later in the 18th century Benjamin Franklin invented electricity and that's when it all started. Electricity is a source of power That can makes stuff that needs power work like a fridge and like the light bulb and lots of other stuff. Electricity is generated with steam tubes turbine using fossil fuels, nuclear biomass and other things that can be used for electricity.

Fantastic Mr Fox Chapter 7-9

 Chapters 7-9

1. How does Roald Dahl Make us dislike the Famers?

    Because the Farmers tried to kill Mr fox and cut off his tail.

2. Why does he encourage the reader to like the foxes and dislike the Farmers?

    Because the foxes are the good Ones and the three farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean tried to dig out the foxes and trys to kill them. They were all rich but nasty men that werent nice to anyone in the valley.

3. Why does Roald Dahl call the tractors "murderous, brutal-loooking monters"?

   Mr Fox called them that bacause there were enormously big tractors both of them were color black with Big mechanical Shovels. That tried digging them out of the ground and tried killing Them. And the ones the were the driving was Bean and Bunce.

4. What is the race? Who is competing

    The race was about like somekind of battle between team vs team. The ones that were competing was the foxes and the machines.

5. What happened to the hill? Why are the farmers so determind to get the Foxes?

    The hill in the beginning lwhat ook normal but then the machines came up of the hill and and started to dig it up. The famers were so detemind to get them because the machines were still working and they already almost digged up the Whole hill.

6. What do you feel about the foxes? How does the author make you fell like this? Why does he do this?

    I feel calm and good about the Foxes. The author make feel like this because is a good story. he does this becuase is a good story.

7. The three farmers all swear a 'solemn oath'. What does this mean? have you ever made a promise to others? Has anynone promised you anything?

    A solem oath means like a promise. And they solemn oath that they will not go back the farm until the fox was caught.

8. What was Mr Fox's plan?

    Mr fox plan was to go with the small foxes and dig to boggis chinken house number One.

9. are you enjoying the story so far? What is yout favourite part so far?

    The story is kinda enjoying. My favourite part is when they survive and haven't give up.

string instrument

Today im gonna tell you about string instrument. This are instruments with string and can produce sounds. 

  One of this string instrument is Ukelele.


    String instruments are played through by plucking the strings with your finger or plectrum or by hitting the strings with a light wooden hammer.

this week i learned about was about string instrument. i learned that theres lots of string instrument that can be played different ways like a violin can only played by using a bow and if your using a ukelele or guiter you can used your finger or pletrum.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Fantastic Mr fox Chapter 4-6

I continued to do the reading and answered some questions:

Chapters 4-6

1. Name the three farmers and describe them?
    The three farmers were Boggis, Bunce, Bean. Boggis was a chicken farmer and he was enormously fat. Bunce was a duck and goose farmer and he was a kind of pot-bellied dwarf. Bean was a Turkey and apple farmer and he never ate any food at all that's why he was so thin like a pencil.

2. Who was in Mr Fox family?
      Mr Fox has a wife named Mrs Fox and they lived with their four small Foxes. They live in a hole above the hill under huge tree. Mr Fox is clever and can smell 50 yards off.

3. What could the fox family have dinner if they went to Bunce's farm? 
     When they were at Bunce farm they could have dinner like a goose or duck.

4. Why were the three farmers waiting outside the fox hole and why had they chosen that particular spot?
    The three farmers was waiting outside the hole Because underneath the dark hole there was a tunnel and that tunnel lead to Mr Fox and his Family Home.

5. Why did the fox 'prick' his ears?
    Mr Fox pricked his ears because he waited for so long but heard nothing while flattened his body against the ground.

6. What effect did the sight of the shovel have on Mr Fox?
    The effect of the shovel to Mr Fox is terrible it took his tail all off and made him couldn't sleep because of the pain 

7. Describe the character of Mr Fox
    Mr Fox is a type of fox that is clever, industrious, brave, smart and has a good sense of smell.

8. Why was wind direction important to Mr Fox
    The wind direction is important to Mr Fox because its helps him with his sense of smell and can easily smell 50 yards away. when the wind blows into his face that means someone is lurking around the shadows.

9.What do you think will happen next in the story?
    I think the next thing will happen in the story is that they will dig thru all dirt in there way and escape the hole they were living at. and survive the tractors that tried to demolished them.

10. What has been your favourite part so far?
    My favourite part Is when the family showed work together in digging could survive and showed resilience and also love to the family.

How cars changed the world

Today, in reading i answered about how cars changed the world


1. How many years have cars been in New Zealand? How did they get here?

   Cars have been in New Zealand for 120 years. There were two Cars and they came from France on the steamship rotomahana. And they arrived at 19 February 1898.

2. How fast was the little car? How fast could the bigger car go?

    There used to be 2 cars one was a small one the other one was big. The small car was slower than the big one and had a top speed of 16 kilometres an hour. The bigger car was faster than the smaller one and had a top speed of 50 kilometres.

3. why were the "onlookers shocked"?

    William wanted to show to everyone the car that he made by taking the mayor for a ride on the car. While things was doing good William lost control of the car and crashed into a fence and hurt the mayors nose. And that was the first car accident in New Zealand.

4. What happened in lincoln, Christchurch?

    When Nicholas Oates was driving in his car with speed of 6 kilometres. He was driving by the Lincoln christchurch road then a couple horse got frightened by car. that was first traffic in New zealand.

5. Explain in your words what the Dennison car did?

    The Dennison car was 1900. The car drove Christchurch to oamaru in 3 hours. the road the car went was rough and dirty but atleast it survive in the long travel.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 Matariki facts :

Matariki day marks the beginning of the new year.  

Matariki is a time to remember others that died the past year

Matariki is a Maori name for a group of stars also known as Pleiades or the Seven sisters.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

invention research about whistle

Hello readers. Today we researched about invention and my group worked on referees whistle. It was created by Joseph Hudson in 1883. The referee whistle was invented through an accident across the distinctive sound required and replaced the hand rattle that was used by the police from London. 
William Atack New Zealander was the first person to use the whistle in a game in the year 1884.
The whistle is a simply a high pitched sound made by forcing air through a small opening. It helps people hear if there's something happened badly and also use by referee to any game and stop the players for any violation. The whistle is very important now a days especially to the referees and police force.

Plastic Whistle - Decathlon

3,634 Referee Whistle Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images

Blast from the past: Police force brings back traditional bobby's whistle  to control students | Daily Mail Online

Fantastic Mr fox

 chapters 1-3

1. alliteration
        Cherry Cookies in the kitchen
    Animals in The Farm:
Chicken, duck, goose and turkey  

2. vocabulary

Delicate - fragile
Brighter - shining
Decent - satisfactory
Enormous - huge
Crafty - Clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods
Dumplings - a small mass of dough cooked by boiling or steaming
Lurking - lying hidden or moving about secretly
Poisonous - venomous
crouching - to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs
Flask - a Container for liquids
Disgust - a strong distaste; nausea; loathing.
Beastly - very unpleasant

Monday, May 10, 2021

Writing challenge - cat

 Hello Readers, in our Wananga class we did writing challenge about the video that we watched.

There was a cat that was eating food in the kitchen it was silent until a kind of music was playing. it keep getting closer and closer and louder and louder till a  pink alien came out dancing to the tune of the music. The music was some kind of lively music that makes him dance to it. Then the cat heard the music and saw the pink alien dancing then the cat saw and chase the pink alien to the couch and when the cat got up.But the cat couldn't see the alien which was hiding at the back of a wall. The cat went down and went passed the wall. The alien went to the music player in the living room and change the music. Then he got down and started dancing again till he got in the middle of a colourful carpet but when alien got there the cat went in the room. It seemed that they were playing hide and seek game.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


Hello readers, 

in my class we are working about what is the most important invention. I think electricity is the most important because it powers up electronics and the stuff around us like a Fan or a fridge and They work cause of electricity. That why i picked electricity.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Roald Dahl: Fantastic Mr Fox

Hello readers. In our Wananga class we will be reading a noble story and i belong to the group reading Fantastic Mr Fox. Before reading the book we have to answer some questions.

Q 1 . What do you predict the story will be about?
Q 2 . Have you heard of the author Roald Dahl before?
Q 3 . Tell me two things you now know your book is going to be about?

1, I think the story about the book Fantastic Mr Fox is about a Fox and his friends

2, i haven't read and watch any movie about Roald Dahl before

3, Mr Fox steals a chicken from the farm. 
    Bean, Boggis and Bunce grow wild with rage. And they concocted a cunning plan to dig him out if his hole once and for all.

chapters 1-3

1. alliteration
        Cherry Cookies in the kitchen
    Animals in The Farm:
Chicken, duck, goose and turkey  

2. vocabulary

Delicate - fragile
Brighter - shining
Decent - satisfactory
Enormous - huge
Crafty - Clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods
Dumplings - a small mass of dough cooked by boiling or steaming
Lurking - lying hidden or moving about secretly
Poisonous - venomous
crouching - to lower the body stance especially by bending the legs
Flask - a Container for liquids
Disgust - a strong distaste; nausea; loathing.
Beastly - very unpleasant

Chapter 4-6


Thursday, April 8, 2021

about my culture

In our Wananga we talked about Cultural Kete and I am sharing about my culture the Philippines. I choose filipino food because I love eating our own food and i missed this kind of food i used to eat everyday.

Here is my presentation about culture

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Gummy bears

                                                         Gummy Bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens to Gummy bears when we put them into different solution.


I predict that they will dissolve into the solutions.



 4x Gummy Bears of the same colour

 2x petri dishes

 paper towels

 marker pen


sugar water

Sugar water


1. Get your equipment.

2. Put on your safety glasses.

3. Using  the marker pen, write the name of the condition on the petri dish. DR



Salt water

Sugar water

Initial weight of Gummy Bear





Final Weight of Gummy Bear


Weight Difference


Initial Volume


Final Volume

Final volume

Volune difference


What is Osmosis?
Osmosis is the movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane

Diffusion: The movement of any substance from a higher concentration to a lower concentration.

The dry Gummy bear lost weight and was lighter after 6 days.

The Gummy bear in Normal water lost 1.82 gm in 6 days.

The gummy bear in salt water lost 1.2 gm in 6 days.

The gummy bear in sugar water lost 0.7 gm in 6 days.